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Call for abstracts

We invite abstracts for a choice of a full talk, lightning talk or poster focused on the session themes below.


The deadline for abstract submission is Monday April 7th 2025, 23:59 NZST (21:59 AEST).

The abstract should be less than 200 words long. Please select both a preferred and an an alternative theme and presentation choice, and include co-authors and their affiliations. 




Precision Medicine - Session sponsored by The University of Auckland

Genomic therapies and precision medicine, Personalised medicine, Legal and social issues in precision health, Genomics-driven healthcare, Indigenous genomics in the precision medicine era 


Human Genetics 
Medical genetics, Cancer genetics, Disease models and mechanisms, Neurogenetics, Genetics and biology of ageing, Genome wide association studies, Forensics, Parasites and Pathogens, Microbiomes


Molecular, cellular and developmental genetics
Developmental genetics, Cellular genetics, Neurogenetics, Behaviour and physiology, Growth and aging, Functional genomics, Cellular signalling and regeneration, Plant cellular and developmental biology, Genome editing


Genetic and epigenetic regulation
Gene regulation, Epigenetics, Non coding RNAs/RNA biology, Chromatin biology, Genome architecture


Genetics in primary industries
Genetics in agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture and forestry, Biotechnology


Genetics of quantitative traits
Genome wide association studies, Quantitative genetics


Ecological genetics
Ecological genetics, Landscape genetics, Population genetics, Conservation genetics, Environmental DNA, Phylogeography, Genetics of local adaptation, Invasion genetics, Ecological epigenetics, Genetics of wildlife disease and responses to infection


Evolutionary genetics and comparative genomics
Evolutionary genetics, Comparative genomics, Molecular evolution, Evolution and development, Systematics, Genomes and biodiversity, Paleogenomics, Host/pathogen interactions, Genetic strategies to control pests and disease vectors, Genetics and epigenetics of sex


Bioinformatics and genomics
Bioinformatics/Computational biology, Functional genomics, Transcriptomics, Systems biology, Current technologies, Evolutionary genomics, Molecular evolution


Education and genetics

​Note: Abstract submission is generally limited to one abstract per presenter. However, as part of encouraging a community of practice in Genetics Education, we welcome an additional abstract submission to our 'Education and genetics' session for those that have submitted an abstract to another session. Oral presentations at the session will be eligible for consideration for the GSA Award for Innovation in Education




​​​Oral presentation

Full talk or lightning talk given during conference sessions:​

  • Each FULL presentation will take 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation + 3 minutes Q & A)

  • Each lightning talk will take 5 minutes without Q & A



Poster Presentation

Standard posters will be displayed throughout the duration of the conference. Presenters should be prepared to give a short presentation at the poster session.​


All submissions will undergo a selection process. Acceptance is based on the quality, relevance, and originality of the abstract. â€‹Not all abstracts submitted will necessarily be accepted for presentation. If your abstract is accepted, you will present at the conference in the format assigned (oral or poster).



A decision on your abstract submission will be communicated before the Earlybird Registration deadline of Sunday, 11 May 2025.​​​​​​​​​


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